It’s mandatory to get filming permit if you make plan to shoot your film in Nepal. However it’s not difficult to get filming permit if you have all the list of documents which are necessary for filming permit.
Filming in Nepal has prepared list of necessary items which are essential for getting filming permit before start to film in Nepal. It takes about one week to 2 weeks to get filming permit depends on the nature of filming.
1. Application form
Ministry of Information and Communication look after the sub bodies’ permit and issued filming permit. First things you should not forget to fill up the form and provide to your local agent like “Filming in Nepal” to get permit.
2. Synopsis of the filming story/ Script of the movie.
Synopsis of the filming is most while getting permit for documentary film, TVC and other reality show. You must submit Script of the movie if you have feature length movie, drama, TV serial. They want to have Synopsis / script of the film to know if the filming is going to shoot against the law, culture, political issues etc. If the film is against the law of Nepal then they MOIC will not issue the film permit.
3. Crewmembers with bio-data and passport copy.
All the foreign crew members, actors, artists who are involved with filming should submit their bio-data and passport copy. Bio-data means not the official one. At least it should have crew members’ nature of work, name details, nationality.
4. Equipment List with values for custom clearance.
Detail equipment list is the most to have in the list while submitting the application. You should include types of equipment, origin where it was manufactured, value of the particular equipment. If you have equipment related to communication like walkie talkie radios, satellite phone, gprs, yellow brick then you should mention separately in the list. You should have to have different permit for communication equipment when you need to pay extra amount for those equipment. “Filming in Nepal” will help for in and out customs clearance. So, the details list is most.
5. Itinerary (Including Start Date of filming).
You should mention Location details with dates in the Itinerary. They will inspect if the location comes under restriction area, national park, conservation area, heritage site etc. If it comes under any topic then you should pay extra fee for permit. MOIC may not allow to film in some restricted area for filming. Filming in Nepal will post them soon in another blog.
6. Authorization Letter to Filming in Nepal as a local representative by the producer.
After confirming filming in Nepal, The related production company should write a letter on their letter head addressing Filming in Nepal as their local partners for filming in Nepal. Then Filming in Nepal can take all responsibilities to get filming permit.
7. CONSENT Letters of concerned organizations
(Filming in Nepal will take all responsibilities to make your Consent letter)
As soon as related company like filming in Nepal gets all the above details then it will prepare a letter for filming permit to MOIC.